​Terrell Ghost Walk Agenda

​Our agenda is dictated by our guests and their interests and goals.  The tour guide is just ​there to facilitate that.

​That said... this is only an example agenda and is subject to change.

Example Agenda

Check In at Terrell Ghosts Headquarters

Quick meet and greet, check-in, a brief presentation on the equipment we will be using, and general information to get started

Cold drinks and bathrooms are available.

Story at the Circus Mural

On the side of the building, an incredible mural has been painted, representing one of the most tragic days in Terrell's history. We speculate that this may be one of the reasons there are so many child apparitions reported in the area.

Dowsing at the First National Bank

Dowsing rods are one of the most long-lived tools of the paranormal investigator and other professionals alike. On first glance, they don't appear to be much, but we encourage you to try them before you judge them. Learning this technique is quite a thrill, and this location is the perfect place to do it.

We also use the Ovilus device, an electronic dictionary, here. I get baffled at what pops up on the screen that is less than random.

Of course, this building has its own haunted history, and we will share it with you too.

Spirit Box at the Brin Opera House

After a quick break and a cold drink, we will convene at the top of the stairwell, where phantom footsteps are commonly heard and the occasional object might be thrown down.

Using the Ovilus Dictionary, the Spirit Box (which gives us real-time spirit voices), and a few other simple investigative tools, we will try our luck and see if the benevolent spirits of the Brin will talk to us.

Paranormal Triangle

We take a short visit to the area I've started to call the "Paranormal Triangle" because the apparitions seen between these three buildings are as clear as you and me. Hear my theories on why I think it's so active, hear one of the most amazing stories that happened during a tour to me, and learn all about how this small town housed secrets when it came to underground prohibition tunnels and the morgue that Terrell elites swear never existed. We have evidence to the contrary.

The Carnegie Museum AKA The Terrell Heritage Museum

Your tour guide has such a strong history with this building and its spirits that they simply come to the sound of her voice. If we have a group of high-energy, excited guests, we get the best spirit box, Ovilus, and photographs here.

This place is a 50/50 shot. Sometimes we get nothing, and other times it is almost unbelievable what we get. Of course, you never know unless you try.